Green New Deal
Working Group
Overall Goal
Lead efforts to tackle the climate and ecological emergencies facing London.
Key Deliverables
Reducing our carbon footprint, accelerating London’s transition to net zero
Developing green skills to ensure a robust, trained workforce can meet decarbonisation needs
Building London’s climate resilience and enhancing green spaces across the city
Work Programme Highlights
Identifying and progressing estate decarbonisation opportunities, including providing inputs to London's net zero pipeline, supported by signposting to technical assistance and financing opportunities
Rolling out carbon literacy training for staff, including senior managers
Installing new EV charging infrastructure
Decarbonising last mile deliveries
Exploring opportunities to switch to renewable energy
Progress Measures
Net zero targets in place (plus any interim targets)
Sqm of estate identified for decarbonisation (and by when)
Sqm of estate retrofitted in the last financial year
Tonnes of CO2e savings achieved in the last financial year
Amount of decarbonisation funding secured in the last financial year
Green Last Mile Delivery (GLMD) target in place (plus any interim targets)
No. of staff who have done carbon literacy training over the last financial year
No. of staff who have done environmental sustainability training over the last financial year
Catherine Barber, Assistant Director Environment & Energy, Greater London Authority -
Ajala Agaba, Sustainability Manager, Newham College -
Carolyn Gindein, Sustainability Project Delivery Manager, Capital City College Group -
Darren de Souza, Senior Policy and Projects Officer, London Higher -
Ed Avenall, Group Chief Information and Estates Officer, London South East Colleges -
Glen Lambert, Green Curriculum Lead, Newham College -
Jack Edwards, Net Zero Carbon Engagement Officer, Diocese of London -
Jason Clarke, Assistant Director of Sustainability, UCL -
Jennifer Porter, Head of Sustainable Development, London Fire Brigade -
Judith Abbott, Chief Operating Officer, Newham College -
Kirsty Macaulay, Senior Programme Manager for Anchors and Sustainability Network, NHS London -
Kyle Lyons, Environment Manager, Transport for London -
Liz Lake, Director of Development, London South East Colleges -
Louise Wolsey, Group Chief Strategy Officer, London South East Education Group -
Maddie Reason, Sustainability Projects Officer, University of London -
Mark Corbett, Head of Policy and Networks, London Higher -
Mary Vine-Morris, Regional Director for London, Association of Colleges -
Mehrdad Borna, Principal Sustainability Officer, Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation -
Michaela Adeniji, Sustainability Programme Manager, NHS -
Natalie Isaac, Head of Sustainability, University of London -
Rafi Addlestone, Sustainability and Impact Advisor at Pineapple Partnerships (London Jewish Forum representative) -
Riikka Vihriala, Group Head of Strategic Projects, New City Colleges - (currently on mat leave)
Sam Longman, Head of Sustainability, Transport for London -
Sara Kassam, Director of Environmental Sustainability, King’s College London -
Sue Willsher, Net Zero Carbon Lead, Diocese of London -
Vince Glover, Group Head of Strategic Projects, New City College -
Please contact Gintare Masiulyte, Greater London Authority for more information about this working group.
Green Last Mile Deliveries
Slide deck: Overview of the GLA Group’s Zero Emission (Green) Last Mile Deliveries Project - Led by TfL, March 2023
Slide deck: TfL’s roadmap for Zero Emission (Green) Last Mile Deliveries, as at August 2023
Template: GLMD data collection, shared by London Fire Brigade, September 2023
Estate Decarbonisation:
Slide deck and FAQs: Regional Decarbonisation Pipeline, September 2022.
Slide deck: Update on New City College estate decarbonisation, September 2022
Video: Watch the Regional Watch the Regional Decarbonisation Pipeline - recording of Q & A session - to be updated
Funding: Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme
Guide: Support for Public Sector Building Decarbonisation, November 2022
EV Infrastructure
Slide deck: EV Infrastructure insights in London, GLA and TfL, May 2023
Carbon Literacy
Training modules developed by TfL:
About LAIN and the Green New Deal (Net Zero) Group
Welcome Pack: LAIN Welcome Pack
Slide Deck: Introducing LAIN - Stakeholder presentation for members
Working group meetings for 2025:
Thursday 16th January 2025, 14:30-16:30, in-person at City Hall.
Thursday 20th March 2025, 15:00-16:30, online.
Thursday 15th May 2025, 15:00-16:30, location TBC.