Procurement Working Group
Overall Goal
Support inclusive economic growth by buying a greater share of our goods and services from London-based micro, small, medium-sized and/or diverse businesses
Key Deliverables
Increase the proportion of goods and services we buy from micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and diverse-owned businesses (distinguishing between direct spend and tier 1 spend).
Work Programme Highlights
Running a Meet the Buyer event for MSMEs to learn how to access our procurement opportunities and enter oursupply chains
Production of guides for MSMEs on public sector procurement and demonstrating social value
Simplification of LAIN members’ procurement documentation (terms & conditions)
Reserving contracts specifically for MSMEs
Developing a database of diverse-owned businesses to market procurement opportunities
Producing e-learning modules for procurement officers and other staff involved in commissioning to raise awareness of procuring from MSMEs and how to reduce barriers they face.
Programme Measures
Overall spend (amount and proportion) - where possible, broken down as follows:
Direct spend with London-based MSMEs and diverse-owned businesses
Indirect spend with London-based MSMEs and diverse-owned businesses via Tier 1 contracts
No. and £ of contracts reserved for London-based MSMEs in this financial year
No (and £) of contracts awarded to MSMEs in this financial year
No (and £) of contracts awarded to diverse-owned businesses in this financial year
Number of forward purchasing plans published
Tim Rudin, Head of GLA Group Responsible Procurement, TFL -
Helen Linklater, Commercial Director – Enablement and Performance, Metropolitan Police Service -
Jennifer Porter, Head of Sustainable Development, London Fire Brigade -
Katherine Adams, GLA Business Partner, GLA Group Collaborative Procurement, TFL - Lawlor, Corporate Performance and Governance Manager, OPDC -
Michelle McCann, Executive Director (Sustainability & Social Value) NHS London Procurement Partnership -
Saritha Visvalingam, Responsible Procurement Manager, Central Responsible Procurement Team, TfL -
Martin Fuller, Procurement Manager, University of London -
Richard Pace, Deputy Director - Estates and Facilities, Capital City College Group -
Tony Brabander, Senior Procurement Manager, London Legacy Development Corporation -
Please contact Rachel Williamson for more information about this working group.
15 October 2024: notes can be found here
18 April 2024: notes can be found here
11 January 2024: notes can be found here
For archived notes please contact the LAIN Core Team -
Lowering barriers
Paper: SME Guide to social value 2023
Paper: SME Guide to public procurement 2023
Paper: London Anchor Institutions’ Network - Removing Barriers for Small Organisations
Paper: Reviewing levels of indemnity insurance
Reserving contracts for SMEs
LAIN Market capacity survey 2023
Guide to reserving below threshold contract opportunities for SMEs/VCSEs/by location
Guide to developing a forward pipeline
Template A: What to include in a forward plan
Template B: Background information
Market engagement
Slide deck: Meet the buyers event_June 2023
Slide deck: Supplier readiness webinar_September 2022
Internal Advocacy & Training
Reserve contracts
Suggested copy_request to Senior Leadership Team 2024
Special topics
Slide deck: LAIN Conference 2024_procurement breakout slides
Presentation: NHS on social value pptx_November 2022
Paper: GLA Responsible procurement case studies 22/23
About LAIN and the Procurement Working Group
Welcome Pack: LAIN Welcome Pack.pdf
Presentation: LAIN Procurement working group 2024_presentation for adaptation
Onboarding guide to setting organisational targets
Slide deck: Introducing LAIN ppt for adaptation_July 2023
Slide Deck: Introducing LAIN - Stakeholder presentation for members.pptx
9th January 2025, 2-4pm (Thurs)
1st April 2025, 2-4pm (Tues)
3 July 2025, 2-4pm (Thurs)
7th October 2025, 2-4pm (Tues)